Tuesday 8 December 2015


Hey Guys!
                  I'm very excited for this post because its like my first official post after my introduction. But trust me when I say this last week I was feeling the absolute opposite. After I posted that Introduction I started doubting myself, I couldn't help but get worried but you lovelies were so supportive! thank you so much for that! So moving on to my crazy week, generally nothing exciting ever happens like not even once in a blue moon but since the day I posted my blog things have been crazy! Its as if my life started being melodramatic when it realised that my blog was about it and it had no choice but perform.But seriously this week was so hectic, I had a lot of stuff to do at school, also my mom is travelling so I was told to stop acting like a jerk and be helpful. Other than that something terrible happened but it taught me a lesson which I hope you learn as well. So last week this happened.........

       Me: Whats your problem why are you being so rude?! 
       My Best Friend: Why dont you go and ask your new "best" friends.
       Me: What do you mean by my "new best friend", you're my only best friend!
       Her: Oh really?! well it clearly seems like you've forgotten me. you are with them all                          the time. It seems like you don't like me anymore
       Me: What rubbish! why would i suddenly stop liking you
      Her: Because you've made new friends!!
   Me: what nonsense! you think that I have stopped liking you because I made new friends?!
     Her: I don't think so,I know so!
      Me: You don't know what you're saying
      Her: Forget it you'll never understand   
    I'm sure many of you have found yourself in this situation and if you haven't I'm sure you have witnessed it. This what I call INFRIENURITY. So basically Infrienurity is the insecurity that you face when you feel that you are going to be left alone with no friends. Many of us
think that just because our close friends are making new friends they will leave us alone which is absolutely wrong. I am not saying that feeling this way is wrong because sometiomes when things are just not working we tend to think negatively but that doesn't mean that we let this insecurity win over us. You need to trust you're friendship and keep faith. But because I know it is extremely difficult to so, I'm going to give you tips on how to fight INFRIENURITY.
  So these are some tips that will help you;)
  1. Do not suffocate your friend in your relationship. This is one of the main reasons for such fights. You have to give your friend some space to breathe, you cannot expect them to only be your friend. If your friend is making new friends don't get upset or throw a tantrum because it doesn't mean that they will stop being your friend.
  2. Keep faith in your relationship. If someone is your best friend they will never leave you no matter what. So just trust your relationship and stop overthinking stuff.
  3. Make new friends. If your best friend is mingling with other people you should do it to. You never know you might someone amazing! but if you don't make an effort you will never find him/her. Mingling with your best friend's new friends is the best option, this way you not only make new friends but also get to spend maximum time with you're best friend
  4. If you're a little too shy and the above tip will not really help you then this will surely help. GET BUSY , the more you distract yourself the less you will think about negative stuff. Spend time with your family, do what you like doing like reading, painting, etc. Make time for the stuff that you like doing and get busy!
  5. TALK IT OUT. Share your feelings with someone who is close to you and will understand. Trust me letting it all out makes you feel much better.
       Soooo guys thats it for today. I hope all that I have said helps you. Also if you have any question or suggestion please drop it down in the comments section. And remember that there are many people who love you a lot in this world ( including me!) so you have no reason to be upset or feel low. Be happy and enjoy everyday. See you next week!
Until then folks,
Girl Online.